Monday, November 11, 2013

What I miss about home

I honestly never realized how much I would miss my family, until my first couple of weeks at Virginia Tech. I remember when I was younger (7th through 9th grade) that I couldn't wait to be on my own. Looking back I really wish I wouldn't have wished away growing up and being on my own, because its not as fun as I thought it would be. I always thought going to college and being on my own meant a lot of free time to just have fun... however this is sadly incorrect. Being at college you rarely have any free time and when you do its spend studying, doing homework, or just sleeping. Being away and always busy really can put a lot of stress on someone, so for this blog I decided that I would talk about some of the things that I really miss the most while away from home. Along with talking about what I miss, I thought it would also be nice to explain what I do like about being away.

The two people I miss the most would be my little brothers Zachary and Ethan. Even though they can sometimes annoy me and act bad I still miss all of the fun times I would have with them. Being away from them has been awful, even though I talk to them as much as I can its still not the same! What I really miss about my brothers is hearing them tell me about their day. Since they are in Elementary school, they always have so many conversations to talk about.

The next person that I really miss would be my mom. Ever since I can remember she has always been my best friend. I know a lot of people think that its impossible to have a parent as a friend, however this is not the case when it comes to my relationship with my mom. What I really miss the most is always having someone to share my thoughts with and having someone to listen to me. She is honestly the best friend I could ever have and I don't know where I would be without all of her advice and motherly wisdom.

Even though I truly miss my family, there are some things that I really love about being able to be a Hokie. The first thing would be the education that I am receiving. It's so amazing to know that in four years I will graduate from one of the best colleges in the nation. Being able to experience this journey is amazing and I know that anybody would love to have this opportunity. The second thing that I love about Virginia Tech is the food. Who knew that a college could have such amazing food! There is always something completely new to try and its never disappointing! It's nice to attend a large university and have multiple dining food places, instead of just one. Being here I have been taught a lot about growing up and being a Hokie. Even though sometimes the journey seems challenging it's always great to remember that all of this hard work and support from my family will one day allow for me to have a successful future.


  1. I definitely miss my family, especially my mom. But Tech isn't such a hard place to call home too!

  2. I have the same kind of relationship with my mom too! I am most likely going to be disappointed when I get home because the food will not be even close to as good.
