Monday, November 4, 2013

Major Troubles

It seems like lately I have been having trouble with deciding on what to do with the rest of my life. It's honestly so hard for a nineteen year old to pick one thing to do forever. Which is why recently I have had some struggles with my major. My major as of right now is biology. The summer before coming to Virginia Tech, I was pretty confident that I would be just fine with taking college chemistry, college biology, and labs. However I guess I didn't realize how hard college science classes actually were.

The reasons as to why I'm hating my major so much is because I cant seem to truly understand the topics that are being discussed in my lecture classes. Even though I pay attention, take notes, and study a lot, the material that I'm learning just doesn't seem to click. Another thing that I really don't like is how useless it seems to me. Today in biology class we learned about a hairpin loop. For starters you would think science would have a better name for a pattern that occurs in DNA and RNA, rather than hairpin. I honestly feel bored when learning about science, which really isn't a great thing since I had originally planned on pursing a career with science.

The career path that I have always wanted to pursue is dentistry. Ever since I can remember I have always wanted to be a dentist. Many people think that working in someones mouth is gross and disgusting, however it's always been something that has just been an interest of mine. I have always been interested in learning new dental information, which seems really weird, but when you are really interested in something, you always try to get better at it.  Beore coming to Virginia Tech, I spent my summer working as a receptionist in my aunts dental office. All of the cool things I learned and got to observe, just really made me excited to one day be working in the dental field.

Being a dentist requires a lot of schooling and a great understanding of biology, chemistry, physics, anatomy, organic chemistry, biochemistry, and along with many other sciences. All of this takes me back to my main problem. Not being happy with my major really hurts my long term goals and career path that I have always had. I really want to become a dentist but if I'm struggling to understand the general classes, how will I survive in the harder classes yet to come? In the end I either have two choices: change my major and not pursue a career that has always interested me, or work hard and try my best to really understand and become interested in my science classes. I really believe that after this year I will be able to make the right decision. Even if the biology major doesn't work out for me in the long run, I really think that I will still make the right decision for my future. As for now all I  can do is start to study more and become more interested in my major!


  1. I was really worried about that with my major, not being interesting and all and it just not clicking. I hope you figure out what you want to!

  2. It takes time to get everything together! You still have plenty of time to figure out what you want to be. If being a dentist is what you want to be then the schooling will be worth it.
